Belgium Trip

Well, after not seeing to Belgium for almost 2 years, the family returned to the Land of Chocolate this November.  Despite it being the rainiest November in recorded history, we had a great time visiting family and friends.  We spent a day in an indoor water park, and a day horseback riding with Opa, but the rest of the time was enjoying being with family and ‘imbibing’ in the Belgian cuisine … and BEER.

Elisa & SebNoah the PirateJoke & SebGrandchildren (Belgian)Elisa & NoahSeb in BathTante Liesbet & NoahTante Liesbet & Noah ... smootchingElisa & PipaGabriella & PipaOpa, Noah & SanaFamily & Suckling FoalOpa, Pipa & ChickenOpa & GabriellaOpa & GabriellaGabriella riding SanaNoah on SanaElisa, Opa & MamaElisa & OpaElisa & OpaMama on SanaGabriella riding SanaGabriella doing VoltigeElisa doing VoltigeNoah doing VoltigeNoah Showing OffCooking with OmaElisa, Oma & Gabriella in the KitchenThe Maceras & BogaertsDirk & SebBelgian Grandchildren ... take twoTante Liesbet & her little menNoah & Lucas

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1 Response to Belgium Trip

  1. Liesbet says:

    Very nice photo’s Felice! Nice memories! I wish the children could spend more time together… so it will have to take us now coming to you all!

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