Boston Tea Party

Honor Turner, Boston Tea Party
On Friday, May 7, Gabriella’s class performed a short play about the Boston Tea Party – for all you Belgians, it was an important event in the history of our country. Gabriella played the role of Honor Turner (a fictional character as far as I can make out). Who, along with a group of woman, forcibly take the keys from Mr. Boylston in order to “steal” all of the coffee in his warehouse.

Gabriella had one of the best costumes, which in fact, was a costume that her Oma made for
her mother, when she was 17 – and yes, it was a little long, but Gabriella pretty much fit into a dress that Mama wore at 17!

Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea PartyBoston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party - the cast

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2 Responses to Boston Tea Party

  1. Liesbet says:

    Haha… ik herken deze jurk! Deze jurk is al bijna zo oud als een Boston Tea Party 🙂

  2. Joke says:

    Ja, 22 jaar oud! Je moet de foto’s zeker eens aan ma laten zien, ok?

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