Schofield Bridge En Plein Air

Schofield Bridge @ Tyler ParkThe girls decided to make Saturday an artistic day out, so we drove over to Tyler Park and had an afternoon of “plein air” drawing & painting. While Papa typically thinks that four hours spent staring at a bridge to draw and paint would be better spent doing some sort of house project, he relished the time with his family doing something that that he enjoyed very much when he was younger.

In fact the whole holiday weekend was spent doing crafts with the family; starting with the art on Saturday; to apple picking and pie baking; carving the other pumpkin from our garden for our Sunday dinner party (it wouldn’t wait until Halloween 🙁 but will soon be pumpkin soup); carving a gourd into a bird house; and painting a wooden bird house.

That’s a pretty full weekend, but then again, the day is only half over … who knows what more we’ll do today 🙂

The Macera ArtistsSchofield Bridge a la ElisaSchofield Bridge a la GabriellaSchofield Bridge a la PapaElisa Jumping for Joy

Labor Day Pumpkin ... the next dayElisa's decorated bird houseGabriella's decorated gourd bird house

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